Monday, April 9, 2007

Sewing Hems, So Easy

Did you know that sewing hems, whether they are in pants or dresses, blind, cuffed or rolled, is so easy? Oh, maybe they're just easy for me because I know how to sew and I've done it over and over again. But, anyone can hem pants, dresses, skirts, whatever; with a little practice and a few easy steps.

But, let's first look at your sewing ability. Can you sew? Do you have a sewing machine? How about a needle and thread? A thimble? Some of you are probably asking, "What's that?"

There are some instances that you don't need these items or need to know how to sew to hem your own clothes. Just a little knowledge of some special tools will have you up and going in no time.

Which sewing style are you...
If you have some sewing experience and want to machine hem...measure, press hem up, thread machine with matching thread, top-stitch.

If you sew by hand and want a blind hem...measure, press hem up, thread a hand needle with matching thread, place thimble on middle finger, sew slip stitch.

If you don't sew, either by machine or hand...measure, press hem up, place fusing tape between hem and fabric using a pressing cloth and steam iron, fuse hem in place.

Let me know what's been working for you...scotch tape, glue, or stapling.

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Sewing is Fun

I often wonder how many other people think that sewing is fun. Surely, I'm not the only one. Just the thought of creating something from nothing is exhilarating. Don't get me wrong, I like to shop ready-to-wear also. I get the same feeling when I find a high quality, designer-made garment marked 50% off, plus an additional 30% off at the register. When I calculate the time and effort to sew it myself, I know I have a bargain.

That bargain, however, comes with a risk. The risk of wearing my bargain out and seeing 3 other people in the exact same garment.

And, that is what makes sewing so much fun. I never run the risk of going out, standing next to a carbon copy. When I wear something that I have sewn myself, it's unique and one-of-a-kind. I've created my own brand, and I enjoyed the process. That's fun!